18 de Abril de 2024 - Ano 10

Homem salva idosa que estava sendo atacada e é multado em R$325 por bater no bandido. VEJA VÍDEO

Foto: Reprodução

Leonid Shchepel salvou klara Shalomovna, mas foi multado por isso

Um russo ouviu gritos de desespero vindo de um parque. Uma mulher correndo perigo. Ligou a câmera e foi ver o que estava acontecendo. Encontrou um homem que atacava uma idosa, não sei se pra roubá-la ou pra coisa pior. Ela estava jogada no chão. Com 88 anos de idade, duas costelas suas foram quebradas durante o ataque.

Leonid Shchepel, logo que viu a cena, encheu de bicuda o bandido que agredia covardemente a idosa, chamada Klara Melamed. O fato aconteceu em Klintsy, no oeste da Rússia. Porém, pra surpresa de Leonid, depois do homem ser preso e a filmagem ser apresentada como prova, ele foi multado em 5.000 rublos (aproximadamente 325 reais) por ter agredido o homem que quebrou duas costelas de uma idosa. Klara também perdeu vários dentes, teve um braço descolado e levou fortes pancadas na cabeça.


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Mesmo com a multa, Leonid diz que não se arrepende do que fez, e que a saúde e a vida de sua vizinha são mais importantes do que o dinheiro que ele perderá pagando a multa. O agressor, de 32 anos, cujo nome não foi revelado, alega ter ido bêbado pra casa, batido no apartamento errado, e quando Klara atendeu a porta, pensou ele ser uma invasora. 


Pic Shows: Leonid Shchepel (the man) and Klara Shalomovna; The man who saved an 88-year-old grandmother from a thug who had her pinned to the ground and broke her ribs has been fined by police for beating the attacker. Have-a-go hero Leonid Shchepel has been told be must pay 5,000 RUB (58 GBP) for beating up the thug who attacking Klara Melamed, 88. According to local media, Mrs Melamed suffered broken ribs and teeth during the attack in her hometown of Klintsy in the western Russian region of Bryansk Oblast. The incident was filmed by Shchepel on his smartphone and uploaded to social media. The unscrupulous attacker reported Shchepel to the police because of the beating he took and the hero has now been handed the fine. Shchepel said about the fine: "I do not regret what I did. Klara's life and health are more important than the money." In the footage, Shchepel is hurrying along a footpath as a woman???s screams can be heard in the background. He quickly approaches a grassed area where a young man has the 88-year-old victim pinned to the ground as he pulls her hair and roughs her up. Shchepel does not hesitate and while filming himself in the act, he kicks the attacker in the head, sending him reeling and freeing the elderly victim. Still holding his phone in his hand to record the scenes, the have-a-go hero shouts at the young man and continues to kick him in the head. He says: "Come on, fight with me, b*tch! Fight with me!" The humbled attacker remains on all-fours and does not attempt to fight back. He continues to take several hard blows to the face before Shchepel turns to the dishevelled old lady, who is covered in mud and looks scared out of her wits. The brave resident helps the granny to her feet and accompanies the woman across the road to her home. He turns back to the attacker, who is seen covering his head on all-fours on the ground. According to reports, Shchepel called an ambulance for the distressed old lady. She suffered two broken


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